hypoplastic left heart syndrome Pictures, Images and Photos

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May 4,2010

Jayden is still doing good and he got to rest for a couple of days before they're going to wean his oxygen and sedation medicine that they give him through his g-tube. Thursday will be his sisters 6th birthday and she was hoping for him to be home on her birthday but he won't be so she went and see him. He is awake more now since he isn't on all of that sedation medicine and we like to see. Jayden is starting to smile more and he trys to giggle. He is coming back to the baby he once was before everything happen because Jayden is a very happy baby. Hopefully soon he will be home and we can love on him with out all of those monitors on him.

Thanks for all of the prayers.
The Taylor Family

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