hypoplastic left heart syndrome Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers Day

Jayden is a little fussy today so they ativian that was increased yesterday the Doctor had the nurse to go back up on it cause they thought he was withdrawling from it. Still trying to work with him to suck a pacificer so he can maybe get ready to suck a bottle. He is still on 1/2 liter of oxygen and is doing great on it his sats are stays above 80s. No changes everything still the same just trying to get him ready to go home maybe in a couple of week if everything goes well. Like the doctors tell us no news is good news and everything from this point is good news. Thanks for all of the prayers. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all of the mommys

1 comment:

Barbara Tyo said...

Happy Mothers day to you!! Glad to see and hear Jayden is doing so well:)