hypoplastic left heart syndrome Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Getting ready to go home Tuesday

Trying to get ready for discharge at home and at the hospital. I dont have to have the feeding tube training just have to be refresh in my mind to see if I remembered how to take care of him myself. At home everytime I clean my 3 and 6 year old trys to help which is a good time but they want to make a mess after the pick up where they picked up at but they are kids. They are so glad that their brother is coming home because they miss him so much. I have to stay friday night with a nurse and the weekend on I have to stay in a room with no monitors or nurse to see if I can take care of him myself. His left lung isnt paralzyed no more now they are going to work with him to suck and pacifier so he can get ready to suck a bottle . Jayden will get to go home on Tuesday if everything goes well. Jayden is doing so much better and he likes to watch the monitor. Thanks for all of the prayers to get my little boy to where he is know.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Jaydens day

Jayden has had a pretty good day. He has been on bolus feeds for a couple of days now. Jayden gets 80ml of formula over half hour and then off for 3 hours and he has taking that very well. He is on contiuous feeding at night time which is a good thing. Maybe in 2 to 3 weeks he will get to come home. He is on 1 liter of oxygen cause they said his lung was not developed enough and they was not developed enough when he had his second surgery but he had to have the surgery so early. The doctor told us that Jayden would have his third surgery around 18 months cause he had his second surgery so early. He will have to come home with oxygen on. Thanks for all of the prayers.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

May 13,2010

Jayden is doing good today. His oxygen was moved back up to 1 liter cause his sats drop and couldn't get them back up. The doctors had a echo done last night to make sure his glenn is working right cause Jayden has been a little fussy for a couple of days now but today he is doing good. They are not going to wean nothing going to leave all of his medicine where they are at because they think that could be so of the problem. Thanks for all of the prayers and hopefully Jayden will get to come hoime soon.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers Day

Jayden is a little fussy today so they ativian that was increased yesterday the Doctor had the nurse to go back up on it cause they thought he was withdrawling from it. Still trying to work with him to suck a pacificer so he can maybe get ready to suck a bottle. He is still on 1/2 liter of oxygen and is doing great on it his sats are stays above 80s. No changes everything still the same just trying to get him ready to go home maybe in a couple of week if everything goes well. Like the doctors tell us no news is good news and everything from this point is good news. Thanks for all of the prayers. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all of the mommys

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May 4,2010

Jayden is still doing good and he got to rest for a couple of days before they're going to wean his oxygen and sedation medicine that they give him through his g-tube. Thursday will be his sisters 6th birthday and she was hoping for him to be home on her birthday but he won't be so she went and see him. He is awake more now since he isn't on all of that sedation medicine and we like to see. Jayden is starting to smile more and he trys to giggle. He is coming back to the baby he once was before everything happen because Jayden is a very happy baby. Hopefully soon he will be home and we can love on him with out all of those monitors on him.

Thanks for all of the prayers.
The Taylor Family