hypoplastic left heart syndrome Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Jaydens Small Heart

On Jan. 21,2010 our familys life changed when are 3rd child was born. It was a boy a we named him Jayden Chase Taylor weighed 7pounds 3ounces at Summersville Regional Medical Center in Summersville, WV where they thought he had a heart murmur. Jayden was transported to Ruby Memorial Hospital where they done a echo on him and diagnosis Jayden with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome is a rare congential heart defest in which the left side is small or underdeveloped. An infant with HLHS will not live long without surgery. They told us from a scale of 1-10 Jaydens heart defect was a 9. Jayden was placed in NICU ontill he was schedule for one of the seriesof open heart surgerys.

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