hypoplastic left heart syndrome Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, April 11, 2010

April 8,2010

Jayden had his second open heart surgery done which is the Bidirectional Glenn this is where the blue blood from the head,neck, and the upper body is directed to the lungs. This reduce the work of the heart. Jayden is still on the vent and lots of medicine but is slowly weaning off of them. Jayden is a little puffy after surgery but should start going down in a few days. Jayden had a spell the night after surgery where his sats drop but that was from where his right lung collasped. The doctors got some of the fluid off of his lung a got his sats back up. He is doing better day by day. Jayden is 2 1/2 months and weigh 8pds 11.5 ounces.

Jayden before his second surgery

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