Riley Phares

This little girl her mom has been by my side ever since I find out about Jayden and She has been there with us through his surgery and is still here with us. I cant thank her either for all she has done for us. Barb done the heart walk with us last year and is going to do it this year to.

This one is a little boy named Mason Brogan I meet his mom on facebook and he has a pacemaker and has to go every so often and have open heart to get the pacer wires change from where he is growing.
The last one is my little trooper Jayden and I am so proud og him today he has come a long ways. Jayden is pulling his self up, eating by mouth, in to everything. jibber jabbers to everything, loves to go outside, and want let mommy out os his sight. Jayden fontan will be in the fall or this time next year he is under weight right now. But thats ok cause I am not ready to give me baby up I want to spend as much time as I can with him.
Jayden Chase Taylor
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